Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blog for Chapter 1

On top is an image I found off of a website from a museum of bad art, (MOBA) the sculpture is of a woman, perhaps the madonna. The whimsical smile is endearing. I consider it good art, because it is memorable. Clearly this sculpture could be considered bad art, but i do not, it is funny and ironic. The Madona above reminds me that art can also be silly.

Above I placed an image that is an example of bad art. The painting, technically is not repulsive, the compositional the artist followed is consistent with the general rule of thirds. What makes this painting bad art is that there is no evidence of an artist behind the work. It seems to be an attempt at protraying longing or desire, but in fact it shows no emotion. The viewer too easily guesses the theme. The image is not interesting.

b. Honorific art can be defined by something created that could be valued for it's beauty, or functionality. By using a honorific defintion to evaluate art, one will disregard a set of rigid guidelines, but assume value on personal taste and preferance.

c. Classificatory definitions of art give organization to historical and cultural images. classificatory art is created for the purpose of it to be viewed in a art viewing setting, such as a gallery. Classificatory art is viewed in galleries and in museums by historians, critics, artists and others who are knowledgeable about art. Theoretically classificatory art needs to posses certain qualities such as, a subject or an opportunity for the viewer to interact with the art.

d. What makes me uncomfortable about discussing art, is absolutes when defining what is and isn't art. Although I'm hesitent to define what is and itsn't art, it is a nessecary precaution to allow total exploration of definations.

e. Michela Griffo is an artist that incorporates pencils drawings that are placed next to a popular, or altered disney image. Bridging each panel is a graphic comic strip, that hints a dialouge. Each piece creates a story. Her drawings protray a variety of influences, and messages she wants to protray. Griffo's art displays that influences can come from oppostite angles, and as an artist it is important to allow influences without solely relying on another's inspiration.

Friday, January 16, 2009

eww. gross!

or actually beautiful? Animals are pretty.

pollution is gross.

I choose both of these pictures to protray opposites-beauty and ugliness, the first picture shows taxidemy at cabela's, and the second is of a power plant in north carolina. In contrast both images demostrate how something can be both beautiful and ugly.