Monday, March 30, 2009

Outdoor project


I thought of what could be a catalyst for regrowth, duh, band-aids. I was thinking about regeneration as a healer, physically and emotionally. I remember when I was little I would look for a small scratches on my hands or legs so i could beg for a fancy ban

idea #1
I was trying to figure out how to create drawings that can be displayed outside. Online I found a company that takes a Jpg image turns them into street stickers. I want to take drawn and manipulated band-aids and turn them into street decals. Utilize window space with window decals. Anne Pearce told me about an printmaker that does a lot of window decals, Adriane Herman, her work is pretty inspirational. What led me to knitted graphiti was figuring out how to create gurilla art that is non invasive. Depending on the space, machine knitted texutres and patterns could be attaced to all sorts of surfaces. I want to plan something that is inviting, where there is a balance between plastic and soft.

My scanner needs a new driver so i'll upload pictures later.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Expressionism and Cognitivism

1. Expressionism is the display of an emotion through visual art, music, or dance. Expressionism strives to invoke the same feeling within the audience. Cognitivism theorizes that art is a way to express specific the specific human condition. Cognitivism portrays the unique view point of an artist, that without the artwork the idea would be lost. The goal of expressionism is to allow the viewer to feel the emotion of the artist, while cognitivism invites the viewer to see thier world in a different light.

2. According to Tolstoy art is the communication between an artist and thier audience. The honest and emotional process that the artist goes through is then translated to the audience. Art should be a reflection of one's own culture.

3. The role of the viewer within Collingwood's theory is two part. One, the viewer is actually apart of the art, and the art is actually the expirence that the viewer gains through interacting with the artwork. Second the viewer is to inspire the artist to protray an emotion, which they will understand together.

4. Kiki Smith and Louise Bourgeois use metaphor as a way to direct the viewer through the artwork. In Bourgeois's large installations the viewer must find the metaphor to be informed by the art. Much of Smith's artwork is concerned with a perception held by the viewer that is altered after viewer her art. Both Bourgeois and Smith utilize common place images, saying or familiar things that are arranged to allow their own perspective to be displayed.

5. I found Anne Beck on the drawing center website, in her work there is a lot of collage. Beck's art is layered in an interesting way which allows the viewer to cleanly dissect the layers. I'm interested in experimenting with cut out, collage, and copied images.